

  1. Tasker App
  2. Tasker Funeral Home
  3. Taskers Online
  4. Tasker Funeral Home
  5. Taskers Gap

A go-to team at your fingertips Build your team of local, background-checked Taskers to help with — and for — life. Whatever you need, they’ve got it covered. Compare Tasker reviews, ratings, and prices. .Based on the median top 50 Tasker's monthly earnings. You're the boss Choose the tasks that you would like to complete for the people that you’re happy to work with. You’re in control of your own schedule and creating your flexible work-life balance. Payments You can get started on completing a. Tasker allows you to find your car in the parking lot. Select your phone and hold it for a longer time. Then go to media section. Then press the new button in the upper right corner. Select a name for your widget and then give a one-time option. Select a new task and add the “+” option. Tasker is the most popular automation app for Android and for good reason. The app allows you to create Profiles that automatically trigger based on certain conditions to execute Tasks and it. Protractor V2 - Using Tasker, JavaScript(lets), and 'deviceorientation', you can display the actual angle number in KLWP. Bubbling Battery Animation And So Much More - There is a lot covered here. A great video for the eager beginner who wants to learn ALOT about ALOT.

JavaScript Support

  • Builtin Functions


Tasker supports running JavaScript code in tasks or WebView scene elements.Most Tasker actions can be accessed direct from the JavaScript.JSON and XMLHTTPRequest are also directly available from the JavaScript code.

JavaScript in Tasks

JavaScript can be embedded inline in tasks via the JavaScriptlet (directspecification of JavaScript to run) or JavaScript (load script from file)actions.

In both cases, the JavaScript executes in sequence with the other actions in the taskand variables are transparently converted so pieces of JavaScript can be interwoven throughout the task.

Embedded in HTML

WebView elements allow specification of mixed HTML and JS for the elementcontent.

This allows a single WebView to present a complete user-interface.

Local Variables

In JavaScript(let) actions, local variables (all lower case, e.g. %myvar) are directly accessible in the JavaScript withoutthe % sign (e.g. myvar). If the script changes the value, the new value is transparentlyused by subsequent actions in the task.

The values of new (all lower case) variables declared in JavaScript (with the var keyword) are also available to subsequent actions,with the exception of those which are chain-declared e.g. var one = 'aval', two = 'bval';

In JavaScript embedded in HTML, the functions local andsetLocal must be used to access variables local to the scene hosting the WebView.

Global Variables

Tasker global variables need to be accessed via global() and set via setGlobal(). Global arrays are not supported due to an Android limitation.


Local Tasker arrays are transparently available in Javascript(let)s and vice-versa.They are not available in WebViews.

Arrays which are not existing Tasker arrays must be declared in the JS as such i.e. inthis case arr will not be visible to the remainder of the task:

Whereas in this case it will:

Note that:

  • JavaScript array indices start at 0, whereas Tasker array indices start at 1
  • JavaScript uses [] while Tasker uses ()

So, for example, %arr(1) (Tasker) is equivalent to arr[0] (JavaScript).


Unlike normal Tasker actions, settings which are changed in JavaScript as part of a profile'senter task are not restored when the profile exits.


Execution Instances

Only one script can execute at one time. Once a piece ofJavaScript is executing, it cannot be interrupted by anotherpiece.

Working Off-Device

You might wish to develop long and/or complicated tasks off-device e.g. on a PC.There are two strategies for that:

1. JavaScript action

For off-device testing, use Menu / More / Developer / Save JS Library Template to get dummydefinitions for the built in functions. Include that file when developing on your PC.

To test in your JavaScript code whether you're on-device or not, use

var onAndroid = ( global( 'sdk' ) > 0 );

By using the JavaScript action rather than JavaScriptlet you can easilyaccess a file synced from PC to a file on the Android device.

2. Using WebView

If you specify a website URL as the content for your WebView, then testing thecode on the target device is a simple matter of pushing the new version to your webserver andreloading the WebView on the device (see action Element Web Control)

Builtin Function Execution

Calls to most Tasker builtin functions (see below) areexecuted as normal single-action tasks and thus may be blockedby other executing tasks.

They execute at the priority of the task that executed the JavaScriptplus two.

JavaScript(let): Alert,Confirm,Prompt

Scripts using these functions require a 'user-interface' and may causeinterference with the currently running app (though in most cases theywill not).

JavaScript(let): Auto Exit

By default, the JavaScript(let) action will end when the main executionsequence is finished.

If you are using asynchronous code e.g. via setTimeout() or other callbacks,you should deselect Auto Exit. You are then responsible yourself for tellingTasker to continue the task by calling exit().

In any case, execution will stop when the timeout configured for the action is reached.

JavaScript(let): Libraries

You can specify as many libraries as you want in the Libraries parameter, separated by newlines.

Several popular libraries are pre-selectable.

You may wish to download them manually to your local storage and change the http URLto a file URL so that Internet is not required to run your script.

Warning: library code will have access to local files, data providers etc. on the device

Important: if you are using your own libraries developed on Windows, you may need to convertCRLF style line endings to Unix style LF.

Builtin Functions

Tasker makes most of it's actions available via functions which can be called directly via namein JavaScript(let) actions and WebView elements.


  • in WebView content where mode is set to URL, the functions must be prefixed by tk e.g. tk.flash('Woo!')
  • when executing code via eval the functions must be prefixed by tk.
alarmVol / btVoiceVol / callVol / dtmfVol / mediaVol / notificationVol / systemVol / ringerVol

var ok = alarmVol( int level, bool display, bool sound )

Set the relevant system volume to level.

If display is true, the new level will be flashed up on-screen.

If sound is true, a tone will sound at the new level.


var ok = audioRecord( str destPath, str source, str codec, str format )

  • destPath: where to put the recording. Note that a file extension is notnecessary, it will correspond to the selected format.
  • source: def, mic, call, callout or callin
  • codec: amrn, amrw or aac
  • format: mp4, 3gpp, amrn or amrw

The JavaScript does not wait for the audio recording to complete.

See also: audioRecordStop().


var ok = audioRecordStop()

Stop recording previously initiated by audioRecord().


var ok = browseURL( str URL )

Open the default browser at the specifed URL.


var ok = button( str name )

Simulate a press of the named button.

name must be one of back, call, camera, endcall, menu, volup, voldown or search.

This function requires a rooted device.


var ok = call( str num, bool autoDial )

Make a phone call.

If autoDial is false, the phone app will be brought up withthe number pre-inserted, if true the number will also be dialed.


var ok = callBlock( str numMatch, bool showInfo )

Block outgoing calls matchingnumMatch.

If showInfo is set, Tasker will flash a message whena call is blocked.


var ok = callDivert( str fromMatch, str to, bool showInfo )

Divert outgoing calls matchingfromMatchto the number to.

If showInfo is set, Tasker will flash a message whena call is diverted.


var ok = callRevert( str numMatch )

Stop blocking or diverting outgoing calls previously specified withcallBlock or callDivert.


var ok = carMode( bool onFlag )

Turn on or off Android Car Mode.

var ok = clearKey( str keyName )

Clear the passphrase for the specified keyName.

See Also: Encryption in the Userguide.

var ok = composeEmail( str to, str subject, str message )

Show an email composition dialog with any specified fields pre-filled.

The JavaScript does not wait for the email to be sent before continuing.

var ok = composeMMS( str to, str subject, str message, str attachmentPath )

Tasker App

Show an MMS composition dialog with any specified fields pre-filled.

The JavaScript does not wait for the MMS to be sent before continuing.

var ok = composeSMS( str to, str message )

Show an SMS composition dialog with any specified fields pre-filled.

The JavaScript does not wait for the SMS to be sent before continuing.

var result = convert( str val, str conversionType )

Convert from one type of value to another.

conversionType must be one of the string constants: byteToKbyte, byteToMbyte, byteToGbyte, datetimeToSec, secToDatetime, secToDatetimeM, secToDatetimeL, htmlToText, celsToFahr, fahrToCels, inchToCent, metreToFeet, feetToMetre, kgToPound, poundToKg, kmToMile, mileToKm, urlDecode, urlEncode, binToDec, decToBin, hexToDec, decToHex, base64encode base64decode, toMd5, toSha1, toLowerCase, toUpperCase, toUpperCaseFirst.

See also: action Variable Convert.

var ok = createDir( str dirPath, bool createParent, bool useRoot )

Create the named dirPath. If createParent is specified and anyparent directory does not exist, it will also be created.

Android tasker

If useRoot is specified, the operation will be performed as the root user(where available).


var ok = createScene( str sceneName )

Create the named scene without displaying it.


var ok = cropImage( int fromLeftPercent, int fromRightPercent, int fromTopPercent, int fromBottomPercent )

Crop an image in Tasker's image buffer previously loaded via loadImage.


var ok = decryptDir( str path, str key, bool removeKey )

Best ranunculus variety

As decryptFile(), but decrypts each file in the specified directoryin turn.


var ok = decryptFile( str path, str key, bool removeKey )

Decrypt the specified file using the encryption parameters specified in Menu / Prefs / Action.

If removeKey is not set, the entered passphrase will be reapplied automatically to thenext encryption/decryption operation with the specified keyName.

See Also: Encryption in the Userguide, Decrypt File action.


var ok = deleteDir( str dirPath, bool recurse, bool useRoot )

Delete the named dirPath. recurse must be specified ifthe directory is not empty.

If useRoot is specified, the operation will be performed as the root user(where available).


var ok = deleteFile( str filePath, int shredTimes, bool useRoot )

Delete the named filePath.

shredTimes has range 0-10.

If useRoot is specified, the operation will be performed as the root user(where available).


var ok = destroyScene( str sceneName )

Hide the named scene if it's visible, then destroy it.


var ok = displayAutoBright( bool onFlag )

Whether the display brightness should automatically adjust to the ambient light or not.


var ok = displayRotate( bool onFlag )

Whether the display orientation should change based on the physical orientation of the device.


var ok = displayTimeout( int hours, int minutes, int seconds )

How long the period of no-activity should be before the display is turned off.


var ok = dpad( str direction, int noRepeats )

Simulate a movement or press of the hardware dpad (or trackball).

direction must be one of up, down, left, right or press.

This function requires a rooted device.


var ok = enableProfile( str name, boolean enable )

Enable or disable the named Tasker profile.


var ok = encryptDir( str path, str keyName, bool rememberKey, bool shredOriginal )

As encryptFile(), but encrypts each file in the specified directoryin turn.


var ok = elemBackColour( str scene, str element, str startColour, str endColour )

Set the background colour of the specified scene element.

See also: action Element Back Colour.


var ok = elemBorder( str scene, str element, int width, str colour )

Set the border colour and width of the specified scene element.


var ok = elemPosition( str scene, str element, str orientation, int x, int y, int animMS )

Move an element within it's scene.

orientation must be one of port or land. animMS indicates the duration of the corresponding animation in MS. A zero-value indicates no animation.

See also: action Element Position.


var ok = elemText( str scene, str element, str position, str text )

Set the text of the specified scene element.

pos must be one of repl (replace existing text completely), start(insert before existing text) or end (append after existing text).

See also: action Element Text.


var ok = elemTextColour( str scene, str element, str colour )

Set the text colour of the specified scene element.

See also: action Element Text Colour.


var ok = elemTextSize( str scene, str element, int size )

Set the text size of the specified scene element.

See also: action Element Text Size.


var ok = elemVisibility( str scene, str element, boolean visible, int animationTimeMS )

Make the specified scene element visible or invisible.

See also: action Element Visibility.


var ok = endCall()

Terminate the current call (if there is one).


var ok = encryptFile( str path, str keyName, bool rememberKey, bool shredOriginal )

Encrypt the specified file using the encryption parameters specified in Menu / Prefs / Action.

If rememberKey is set, the entered passphrase will be reapplied automatically to thenext encryption/decryption operation with the specified keyName.

If shredOriginal is specified, the original file will be overwritten severaltimes with random bits if encryption is successful.

See Also: Encryption in the Userguide, Encrypt File action.


var ok = enterKey( str title, str keyName, bool showOverKeyguard, bool confirm, str background, str layout, int timeoutSecs )

Show a dialog to enter the passphrase for the specified keyName. The JavaScript waits until the dialog has been dismissed or the timeout reached.

  • confirm: if set, the passphrase must be entered twice to ensure it is correct.
  • background: [optional] a file path or file URI to a background image.
  • layout: the name of a user-created scene to use in place of the built-in scene.

See Also: Encryption in the Userguide


bool ok = filterImage( str mode, int value )

Possible values of mode are:

  • bw: convert to black & white, using value as a threshold
  • eblue: enhance blue values by value
  • egreen: enhance green values by value
  • ered: enhance red values by value
  • grey: convert to greyscale, value is unused
  • alpha: set pixel alpha (opposite of transparency) to value

value should be 1-254.


bool ok = flipImage( bool horizontal )

If horizontal is false, the image is flipped vertically.



Stop execution of the JavaScript.


flash( str message )

Flash a short-duration Android 'Toast' message.

flashLong( str message )

Flash a long-duration Android 'Toast' message.

var ok = getLocation( str source, bool keepTracking, int timeoutSecs )

Try to get a fix of the current device location.

source must be one of gps, net or any.

If keepTracking is set, the specified source(s) will be left trackingwith the purpose of providing a much quicker fix next time the function iscalled.

Fix coordinates are stored in the global Tasker variables %LOC (GPS) and/or %LOCN (Net).The value can be retrieved with the global function. Several otherparameters of the fix are also available, see Variables.


See also: action Get Location, function stopLocation.


str result = getVoice( str prompt, str languageModel, int timeout )

Get voice input and convert to text.

result is 'undefined' if the voice acquisition failed, otherwiseit's an array of possible matching texts.


prompt is a label for the dialog that is shown during voice acquisition.

languageMode gives the speech recognition engine a clue as to thecontext of the speech. It must be one of web for 'web search' orfree for 'free-form'.


goHome( int screenNum )

Go to the Android home screen. screenNum is not supported by allhome screens.


var ok = haptics( bool onFlag )

Enable/disable system setting Haptic Feedback.


var ok = hideScene( str sceneName )

Hide the named scene if it's visible.

var value = global( str varName )

Retrieve the value of a Tasker global variable. Prefixing the name with % is optional.



str files = listFiles( str dirPath, bool hiddenToo )

List all files in the specified dirPath.

files is a newline-separated list of subfiles.

If no files or found or an error occurs, the returned value will be undef.

If hiddenToo is specified, files starting with period areincluded, otherwise they are not.


Steve tasker

var ok = loadApp( str name, str data, bool excludeFromRecents )

Start up the named app.

Name can be a package name or app label, it's tested first againstknown package names. Note: app label could be localized to anotherlanguage if the script is used in an exported app.

Data is in URI format and app-specific.

When excludeFromRecents is true, the app will not appear in the home screen'recent applications' list.


var ok = loadImage( str uri )

Load an image into Tasker's internal image buffer.

The following uri formats are currently supported:

  • file:// followed by a local file path

See also Load Image action.


var ok = lock( str title, str code, bool allowCancel, bool rememberCode, bool fullScreen, str background, str layout )

Show a lock screen, preventing user interaction with the covered part of the screen. The JavaScript waits until the code has been entered or the lock cancelled (see below).

  • code: the numeric code which must be entered for unlock
  • allowCancel: show a button to remove the lockscreen, which causes a return to the Android home screen
  • rememberCode: the code will be remembered and automatically entered when the lock screen is show in future,until the display next turns off
  • background: [optional] a file path or file URI to a background image.
  • layout: the name of a user-created scene to use in place of the built-in lock scene
var value = local( str varName )

Retrieve the value of a Tasker scene-local variable. The name should not beprefixed with %.

This function is only for use by JavaScript embedded in HTML and accessed viaa WebView scene element.

var ok = mediaControl( str action )

Control media via simulation of hardware buttons.

Possible actions are next, pause, prev, toggle, stop or play.

var ok = micMute( bool shouldMute )

Mute or unmute the device's microphone (if present),

var ok = mobileData( bool set )

Enable or disable the system Mobile Data setting.

See also: action Mobile Data

var ok = musicBack( int seconds )

Skip back by seconds during playback of a music file previously started by musicPlay.

See also: musicSkip, musicStop

var ok = musicPlay( str path, int offsetSecs, bool loop, str stream )

Play a music file via Tasker's internal music player.

stream to which audio stream the music should be played

This function does not not wait for completion.

The last 3 arguments may be ommitted, in which case they default to 0,false and media respectively.

See also: musicStop, musicBack,musicSkip

var ok = musicSkip( int seconds )

Skip forwards by seconds during playback of a music file previously started by musicPlay.

See also: musicBack, musicStop

var ok = musicStop()

Stop playback of a music file previously started by musicPlay.

See also: musicBack, musicSkip


var ok = nightMode( bool onFlag )

Turn on or off Android Night Mode.


var ok = popup( str title, str text, bool showOverKeyguard, str background, str layout, int timeoutSecs )

Show a popup dialog. The JavaScript waits until the popup has been dismissed or the timeout reached.

  • background: [optional] a file path or file URI to a background image.
  • layout: the name of a user-created scene to use in place of the built-in popup scene.
var ok = performTask( str taskName, int priority, str parameterOne, str parameterTwo )

Run the Tasker task taskName.

Note that the JavaScript does not wait for the task to complete.

bool active = profileActive( str profileName )

Whether the named Tasker profile is currently active. Returns false ifthe profile name is unknown.

Taskers funeral home obituariesbool ok = pulse( bool onFlag )

Enable or disable the Android Notification Pulse system setting.

var contents = readFile( str path )

Read the contents of a text file.

var ok = reboot( str type )

Reboot the device.

type is one of normal, recovery or bootloader.It can be ommitted and defaults to normal.

Requires a rooted device.

See also: function shutdown

var ok = resizeImage( int width, int height )

Scale the current image in Tasker's image buffer to the specified dimensions.

var ok = rotateImage( str dir, int degrees )

Rotate the current image in Tasker's image buffer.

dir must be one of left or right.degrees must be one of 45, 90, 135 or 180.

var ok = saveImage( str path, int qualityPercent, bool deleteFromMemoryAfter )

Save the current image in Tasker's image buffer to the specified file path. Logitech g13 keyboard driver.

Save Image action.

var ok = say( str text, str engine, str voice, str stream, int pitch, int speed )

Cause the device to say text out loud.

  • engine: the speech engine e.g. com.svox.classic Defaults to the system default (specify undefined for that)
  • voice: the voice to use (must be supported by engine). Defaults to the current system language (specify undefined for that)
  • stream: to which audio stream the speech should be made
  • pitch: 1-10
  • speed: 1-10

The script waits for the speech to be finished.

var ok = sendIntent( str action, str targetComp, str package, str class, str category, str data, str mimeType, str[] extras );

Send an intent. Intents are Android's high-level application interaction system.

Any parameter may be specified as undefined.

  • targetComp: the type of application component to target, one of receiver, activity or service.Defaults to receiver.
  • package: the application package to limt the intent to
  • class: the application class to limit the intent to
  • category: one of none, alt, browsable, cardock, deskdock, home, info, launcher, preference, selectedalt, tab or test,defaults to none
  • extras: extra data to pass, in the format key:value. May be undefined. Maximum length 2.

See also: action Send Intent.

var ok = sendSMS( str number, str text, boolean storeInMessagingApp );

Send an SMS.

var ok = setAirplaneMode( bool setOn )

Enable or disable Airplane Mode.

Get the current value with:

var enabled = global( 'AIR' );

var ok = setAirplaneRadios( str disableRadios )

Specify the radios which will be disabled when the device entersAirplane Mode.

disableRadios is a comma-separated list with radio names fromthe following set: cell, nfc, wifi, wimax, bt.

Get the current value with:

var radios = global( 'AIRR' );

var ok = setAlarm( int hour, int min, str message, bool confirmFlag )

Create an alarm in the default alarm clock app.

confirmFlag specifies whether the app should confirm that the alarm has been set.

message is optional.

Requires Android version 2.3+.

var ok = setAutoSync( bool setOn )

Enable or disable the global auto-sync setting.


var ok = scanCard( str path )

Force the system to scan the external storage card for new/deleted media.

If path is defined, only that will be scanned.

Tasker Funeral Home


var ok = setBT( bool setOn )

Enable or disable the Bluetooth radio (if present).

Test BT state with:

if ( global( 'BLUE' ) 'on' ) { doSomething(); }


var ok = setBTID( str toSet )

Set the bluetooth adapter ID (the name as seen by other devices).

setGlobal( str varName, str newValue )

Set the value of a Tasker global user variable. Prefixing varName with % is optional.

Arrays are not supported due to limitations of the Android JS interface.

var ok = setKey( str keyName, str passphrase )

Set the passphrase for the specified keyName.

See Also: Encryption in the Userguide.

setLocal( str varName, str newValue )

Set the value of a Tasker scene-local user variable. Variable names should notbe prefixed with %.

This function is only for use by JavaScript embedded in HTML and accessed viaa WebView scene element.

var ok = setClip( str text, bool appendFlag )

Set the global system clipboard.

Test the value with:

var clip = global( 'CLIP' );

var ok = settings( str screenName )

Show an Android System Settings screen.

screenName must be one of all, accessibility, addacount, airplanemode, apn, app, batteryinfo, appmanagebluetooth, date, deviceinfo, dictionary, display, inputmethod, internalstorage,locale, location, memorycard, networkoperator, powerusage, privacy, quicklaunch, security, mobiledata, search, sound, sync, wifi, wifiip or wireless.

var ok = setWallpaper( str path )

Set the system home screen wallpaper.


var ok = setWifi( bool setOn )

Enable or disable the Wifi radio (if present).

Test wifi state with:

if ( global( 'WIFI' ) 'on' ) { doSomething(); }

var output = shell( str command, bool asRoot, int timoutSecs )

Run the shell command command.

asRoot will only have effect if the device is rooted.

output is 'undefined' if the shell command failed. It's maximum size isrestricted to around 750K.

var ok = showScene( str name, str displayAs, int hoffset, int voffset, bool showExitIcon, bool waitForExit )

Show the named scene, creating it first if necessary.

  • displayAs: options: Overlay, OverBlocking, OverBlockFullDisplay, Dialog, DialogBlur, DialogDim, ActivityFullWindow, ActivityFullDisplay, ActivityFullDisplayNoTitle
  • hoffset, voffset: percentage vertical and horizontal offset for the scene -100% to 100% (not relevant forfull screen/window display types)
  • showExitIcon: display a small icon in the bottom right which destroys the scene when pressed
  • waitForExit: whether to wait for the scene to exit before continuing the script
var ok = shutdown()

Shutdown the device.

Requires a rooted device.

var ok = silentMode( str mode )

Set the system silent ('ringer') mode.

mode must be one of off, vibrate or on

var ok = sl4a( str scriptName, boolean inTerminal )

Run a previously created SL4A script.

var ok = soundEffects( bool setTo )

Setting the system Sound Effects setting (sound from clicking onbuttons etc.

var ok = speakerPhone( bool setFlag )

Enable or disable the speakerphone function.

var ok = statusBar( bool expanded )

Expand or contract the system status bar.

var ok = stayOn( str mode )

Specify whether the device should remain on when power is connected.

Taskers Online

Possible modes are never, ac, usb, any.

var ok = stopLocation()

Stop tracking a location provider. This is only relevant when a getLocationfunction has been previously called with the keepTracking parameter set.

var ok = systemLock()

Turn off the display and activate the keyguard.

Requires Tasker's Device Administrator to be enabled in Android settings.

bool running = taskRunning( str taskName )

Whether the named Tasker task is currently running. Returns false ifthe task name is unknown.


bool ok = takeCall();

Auto-accept an incoming call (if there is one).


bool ok = takePhoto( int camera, str fileName, str resolution, bool insertGallery )

Take a photo with the builtin camera.

  • camera: 0 = rear camera, 1 = front camera
  • resolution: format WxH e.g. 640x840
  • insertGallery: whether to insert the resulting picture in the Android Gallery application

var ok = type( str text, int repeatCount )

Simulate keyboard typing.

Requires a rooted device.

boolean ok = unzip( str zipPath, bool deleteZipAfter )

Unpack a Zip archive into the parent directory of the archive.

deleteZip causes the zip archive to be deleted after successfulunpacking.

usbTether( bool set )

Enable or disable USB tethering.

vibrate( int durationMilliseconds )

Cause the device to vibrate for the specified time.

vibratePattern( str pattern )

Cause the device to vibrate following the specified pattern, whichconsists of a sequence of off then on millisecond durations e.g.


wait for 500ms, vibrates 1000ms, wait for 750ms, then vibrate for 1000ms.

wait( int durationMilliseconds )

Pause the script for the specified time.

Warning: may cause some preceeding functions not to complete in some situations.If in doubt, use JavaScript setTimeout() instead.

var ok = wifiTether( bool set )

Enable or disable Wifi tethering.

var ok = writeFile( str path, str text, bool append )

Tasker Funeral Home

Write text to file path.

If append is specified, the text will be attached to theend of the existing file contents (if there are any).

boolean ok = zip( str path, int level, bool deleteOriginalAfter )

Zip a file or directory.

level is the desired compression level from 1-9, with 9 resultingin the smallest file and the longest compression time.

deleteOriginal causes path to be deleted if the zip operationis successful.


Audio Streams

Must be one of call, system, ringer, media, alarm or notification


Colours are specified in AARRGGBB hexadecimal format, with solid white being FFFFFFFF.

File Paths

File paths can be specified as either absolute (start with /) orrelative (don't start with /).

Relative file paths are relative to the root of the internal storage media. So, for example, pics/me.jpg might resolveto /sdcard/pics/me.jpg.

Steve Tasker
No. 89
Position:Special teamer
Wide receiver
Personal information
Born:April 10, 1962 (age 59)
Smith Center, Kansas
Height:5 ft 9 in (1.75 m)
Weight:185 lb (84 kg)
Career information
High school:Wichita County
(Leoti, Kansas)
NFL Draft:1985 / Round: 9 / Pick: 226
Career history
  • Houston Oilers (1985–1986)
  • Buffalo Bills (1986–1997)
Career highlights and awards
  • 7× Pro Bowl (1987, 1990–1995)
  • 7× First-team All-Pro (1987, 1990–1995)
Career NFL statistics
Receiving yards:779
Player stats at NFL.com · PFR

Steven Jay Tasker (born April 10, 1962) is an American sports reporter, locally in Western New York on the MSG Western New York cable TV station, and on WGR Radio and formerly for CBS Sports. He is a former football player who was a wide receiver and gunner in the National Football League (NFL). He was drafted in the ninth round (226th overall) of the 1985 NFL Draft by the Houston Oilers. He played college football at Northwestern. He began his college career at Dodge City Community College. Tasker played most of his pro career with the Buffalo Bills, and was voted by Bills fans to the team's 50th season All-time Team.[1] In 2008, the NFL Network show NFL Top 10 ranked Tasker the ninth best former player not enshrined in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. He has several times been a nominee for the Hall, and was a semi-finalist as recently as 2020, but has not been elected as of 2020.

College career[edit]

Tasker first attended Dodge City Community College. After two years, he transferred to Northwestern University where he played the final two years of his college career before joining the National Football League. After finishing his college football career, and before being drafted into the NFL, he joined the school's rugby team. Although he had never played rugby before, he was named most valuable player at the Big Ten Conference Tournament.[2] Tasker continues to hold the Northwestern Wildcats football career record for kickoff return average (24.3).[3]

Taskers Gap

Professional football career[edit]

Tasker was selected in the ninth round (226th overall) of the 1985 NFL Draft by the Houston Oilers where he played for two seasons. He was claimed off waivers by the Buffalo Bills on November 8, 1986.[4]

Tasker was listed as a wide receiver, however, most of his playing time came as a gunner, on punts and kickoffs. However, after he joined the Buffalo Bills, he began to play at wide receiver more than with the Oilers. While he performed very well as a receiver when Buffalo needed his services there, the combination of excellent Bills depth at that position, his value as a special teams playmaker, and Tasker refusing to demand more playing time on offense kept his WR time very slight.

Still, Tasker did make contributions at the more traditional role on offense and special teams. In a 1994 playoff game against the Los Angeles Raiders, he set up the Bills first touchdown with a 67-yard kickoff return. He also caught 5 passes for 108 yards and a touchdown in Buffalo's 1995 playoff win against the Miami Dolphins.

Play as gunner[edit]

Tasker stood 5 feet 9 inches (1.75 m) tall and weighed 180 pounds (82 kg); when he joined the Bills, Jim Haslett did not think that he was a player. Tasker recalled, 'I told him not to worry because I was mistaken for a ball boy all the time'.[5] Despite his small size, he gained a reputation as one of the league's most feared hitters, forcing numerous fumbles. Contributing to his success in breaking up kick and punt returns was his speed; he was almost always the first player to reach the return man. He was the first player to establish himself as a star almost exclusively through special teams play without being either a kicker or a returner.

Tasker played in seven Pro Bowls (1987 and 1990–1995) and became the only special teamer ever to be named the game's MVP in 1993.

  • 1987: 20 tackles with 3 FF
  • 1992: 19 tackles[6]

Many, including former teammate and Hall of FamequarterbackJim Kelly, consider him to be the greatest special teams player of all-time and believe that he should be in the Hall of Fame. He was even ranked No. 9 on the NFL Network's NFL Top 10 Players Not in the Hall of Fame.[7]

Sportscasting career[edit]

Tasker was a color commentator for CBS football telecasts with Andrew Catalon (play-by-play) and Steve Beuerlein (the other color commentator) starting in 2014. CBS did not renew his contract at the end of the 2018 season. He also does color commentary for the local broadcasts of Bills pre-season games, teaming with either his former broadcast partner Andrew Catalon or Rob Stone. He is also the spokesperson for the West Herr Auto Group. Tasker was on the sidelines with Jim Nantz and Phil Simms during the playoffs until 2013. He also worked with Don Criqui (Criqui, himself a Buffalo native, and Tasker were assigned to the majority of Bills games from 1999 to 2005) and was best known working with Gus Johnson in 1998, week 13 in 1999, week 5 in 2004, and from 2005 to 2010. Johnson left for FOX Sports the following year. He and Johnson called the David Garrard game winning Hail Mary touchdown pass for the Jacksonville Jaguars' win over the Houston Texans in 2010. CBS dismissed Tasker prior to the 2019 season as they chose not to renew his contract.[8]

On September 9, 2007, Tasker became the 24th person inducted to the Bills' Wall of Fame.[9]

On November 22, 2011, Tasker was named one of the semifinalists in balloting for the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio.[10][11]

On September 28, 2013, his son, Luke Tasker, made his Canadian Football League debut with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, in a home game against the Calgary Stampeders.[12][13]

In April 2018, Tasker became co-host of One Bills Live, a daily weekday radio show focusing on the Buffalo Bills alongside Chris Brown on WGR and MSG Western New York.


  1. ^Major, Andy (April 25, 2009). 'Bills All-Time Team Fan Voting Determined 26 Total Members'. Buffalo Bills. Archived from the original on April 29, 2009. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
  2. ^Sullivan, Jerry (May 8, 1996). 'Tasker elevates Bills' depth chart to new heights'. Buffalo News. p. C1. ProQuest381145234.
  3. ^Northwestern Football 2011 Yearbook. NUSports.com. 2011. p. 162.
  4. ^'The Month of November in Bills History'. Buffalo Bills. Archived from the original on April 13, 2009. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
  5. ^Tasker, Steve; Pitoniak, Scott (2013). 'Introduction'. The Buffalo Bills: My Life on a Special Team. Sports Publishing. ISBN978-1-61321-328-5.
  6. ^'Newsbank | The Sacramento Bee & Sacbee.com'. nl.newsbank.com. Retrieved January 26, 2019.
  7. ^#9 Steve Tasker - NFL Films - Top 10 Players Not in the Hall of Fame (Motion picture). NFL Films. May 15, 2017.
  8. ^Pergament, Alan (May 21, 2019). 'Steve Tasker's days at CBS Sports are over'. The Buffalo News. Retrieved May 21, 2019.
  9. ^'Steve Tasker Wall of Fame Ceremony'. Archived from the original on December 11, 2008. Retrieved August 9, 2009.
  10. ^Class of 2012 semifinalists, Pro Football Hall of Fame, November 22, 2011.
  11. ^Pro Football Hall Of Fame Announces 26 Semifinalists, Sports Illustrated, November 23, 2011.
  12. ^'Luke Tasker – Hamilton Tiger-Cats'. Retrieved February 11, 2019.
  13. ^'Luke Tasker making CFL debut this weekend'. CHCH. Retrieved February 11, 2019.

External links[edit]

  • Career statistics and player information from Pro Football Reference
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